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The global entertainment giant, Netflix, unveils its latest series, "The 8 Show" (더 에이트 쇼), today. 

Garnering high praise from domestic media even before its release, the show has revealed three must-see highlights along with character stills.

"The 8 Show" is a thrilling Netflix series that follows eight characters trapped in a secretive eight-story space. They participate in a tempting yet dangerous show where time equates to money.

Having previewed the series, Korean media outlets have lauded the show for its engaging narrative and symbolism. Kim Hyung-ho from Economic Review said, "It captures both entertainment and symbolism. The more you enjoy it, the more its symbolic meanings emerge, broadening your thoughts." Lim Ye-bin from Celeb Media noted, "The sophisticated direction and sound are a treat for the eyes and ears." 

Park Dong-sun from Electronic Newspaper praised the show for its candid charm and realistic portrayal of contemporary issues, while Lee Da-won from Sports Kyunghyang highlighted its profound message on class and human desires, intricately woven into a captivating narrative by director Han Jae-rim.

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Image : Netflix "The 8 Show" 

The first key highlight is the show's bold premise: the longer you stay, the more money you earn. The eight participants, drawn by this alluring rule, soon discover that each floor has different rules, leading to chaos. Director Han Jae-rim stated, "The original concept that 'humans are unhappy because they compare' was crucial. Capitalism thrives on human desires to outdo others, leading to class disparities." This unique setting promises unpredictable stories and deep questions about society.

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Image : Netflix "The 8 Show" 

The second highlight is the diverse and compelling characters, each with their own backstory and motivation. "The 8 Show" features eight characters who join the show for various reasons. Director Han Jae-rim showcases the complex human relationships that emerge as these participants, confined in a limited space with finite time, navigate their circumstances.

The cast includes Ryu Jun-yeol as the desperate '3rd Floor,' Chun Woo-hee as the free-spirited '8th Floor,' Park Jung-min as the sole genius '7th Floor,' Lee Yeol-eum as the opportunist '4th Floor,' Park Hae-joon as the action-before-words '6th Floor,' Lee Joo-young as the justice-driven '2nd Floor,' Moon Jung-hee as the peacemaker '5th Floor,' and Bae Sung-woo as the diligent '1st Floor.' Ryu Jun-yeol remarked, "I focused on conveying the rise and fall, joy and sorrow of '3rd Floor.'" Chun Woo-hee added, "'8th Floor' is a symbolic character that required straightforward expressions."

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Image : Netflix "The 8 Show" 

Park Jung-min commented, "Each viewer's life trajectory will make watching the characters even more interesting." The ensemble cast is set to evoke a wide range of emotions and showcase a masterclass in character dynamics.

The final highlight is "The 8 Show"s distinctive production design, where everything is a convincingly realistic fake. The show’s setting includes an enormous staircase connecting the floors, an empty swimming pool, a carousel, and a plaza with various locations. Art director Lee Min-ah mentioned, "We continuously retouched the set to maintain its clean, artificial look, aligning props with the characters' psychology."

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Image : Netflix "The 8 Show" 

Moreover, the participants' uniforms feature fake buttons, pockets, and ties. Costume director Ryu Hyun-min advised viewers to note the costume details to better understand each character. This meticulous attention to visual detail enhances the immersive experience for viewers.

Director Han Jae-rim’s first series and the diverse, compelling cast, combined with the intriguing premise of 'time equals money,' make "The 8 Show" a highly anticipated release. Catch it today at 4 PM exclusively on Netflix.

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