Image :  Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)
Image : Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)

"Acting feels like a process of getting to know myself better. I try to bring something new to each role."

Despite her 20-year acting career, actress Chun Woo-hee continues to surprise viewers with her fresh portrayals. In the recently released Netflix original series 'The 8 Show(더 에이트 쇼),' she perfectly embodies the quirky and unpredictable character '8th Floor,' while in JTBC's weekend drama 'The Atypical Family(히어로는 아닙니다만),' she takes on the role of the lovable intruder and savior, 'Do Da-hae,' showing yet another side of herself. Chun Woo-hee's relentless transformation shows no signs of stopping.

On the 23rd, she met with Sports Hankook at a café in Sogyeok-dong, Seoul. 'The 8 Show,' which was released on the 17th, and 'The Atypical Family,' currently airing, have both topped Netflix Korea's TOP 10 series rankings, occupying the 1st and 2nd spots, respectively. Chun Woo-hee, who appears in both works, was also ranked 3rd in the actor buzz category for the 3rd week of May (May 13-19) by Good Data Corporation.

"I'm grateful that both works have ranked high. Since the characters I played are so different, I think the highest compliment I can receive is when people say, 'Was that really her?' I feel most satisfied when I disappear and the character is fully seen. Hearing that people couldn't believe the same person played both roles in 'The 8 Show' and 'The Atypical Family' made me very proud and thankful. Of course, I couldn't have done it alone; it's thanks to the directors and staff who captured those aspects so well."

Image :  Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)
Image : Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)

'The 8 Show' is a Netflix series that tells the story of eight people trapped in a secretive space divided into eight floors, participating in a sweet but dangerous show where 'time is money.' Chun Woo-hee plays the 8th floor, the most problematic of the eight. Drawn to the show out of curiosity rather than money, the 8th floor captivates attention with her unique behavior and shocking outfits, eventually using her wealth and possessions to dominate. Chun Woo-hee chose this role also out of 'curiosity.'

"I had no trouble choosing this project. I thought, 'This is so fun, should I give it a try?' When selecting a project, it's important that the script stirs something in me when I first read it. 'The 8 Show' was particularly interesting. The story reflects societal realities by creating symbolic characters among the eight, which was intriguing. It also sparked my curiosity since it was different from anything I'd done before. The 8th floor character had a certain unpredictability, which oddly enough put me at ease. She doesn't want to leave the space where the show takes place, symbolizing a misfit in society, someone pained by a lack of recognition."

The 8th floor stands out not only internally but also externally from the other characters. As a performance artist, she engages in eccentric behavior, does flying yoga, and paints. Unlike other characters who wear the same outfit, she changes clothes in each scene like a fashion show, showcasing her unique identity.

"We coordinated a lot with the makeup and costume team and the director regarding the outfits. Many outfits were brought to the set, and I changed a lot, though many scenes were edited out. Most choices were picked by the director. I liked showing various looks. My favorite outfit was probably from the first scene, which I think best represents the 8th floor character. Surprisingly, all characters had missions in the show like playing the nose flute, dancing, and tap dancing. Mine were flying yoga and painting. I tried hard not to appear clumsy, and it turned out to be quite fun. Watching colors blend and create new shades made me appreciate the artistic process."

Image :  Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)
Image : Chun Woo-hee (Netflix)

Despite the show taking place in a confined eight-story building, it has many physically demanding scenes like climbing stairs, fighting for rights, and enduring torture. However, being in a tight space with eight actors created a strong mental bond.

"Physically, it was surprisingly fine. The stair scenes were more enjoyable than tiring. Being in a small space with eight people made me feel like I was truly part of the show, enhancing immersion. The chemistry among actors was great. Having eight people in one space was an enormous challenge. There's no relying on different settings; it's all about the characters. But our teamwork was excellent. Knowing each other's struggles, we tried to keep things light and fun on set. Sharing the same waiting room, we joked and bonded, which helped a lot."

Now 20 years into her career, Chun Woo-hee's passion for acting remains strong, and she is ever grateful for the unwavering support from her fans. Recently, a heartwarming story emerged of her delivering a congratulatory speech at a 13-year-old fan's wedding.

"The reason I act is partly to experience things I haven't. Acting allows me to encounter new aspects of myself. Everyone thinks they know themselves well, but acting reveals unknown sides of me or contrasting aspects. It helps me understand who I am. I always want to meet my fans, but due to COVID-19 and other reasons, I couldn't get close. If there's a chance to repay my fans' support, I'd love to do it anytime."

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