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Image :  Screenshot of BTS's Jin on Weverse Live immediately after military discharge

BTS's Jin(진), fresh from his military discharge, greeted fans warmly in his first live stream on Weverse. 

Jin, who completed his service as an instructor at the 5th Infantry Division recruit training center in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province, on June 12, took to the global fandom platform to connect with his supporters.

Appearing in his military uniform adorned with 'Instructor' and 'Special Warrior' badges, Jin shared his emotional experiences from his military service. "I cried twice and my eyes are quite swollen. Many of my fellow soldiers were in tears, which made me cry even more," he admitted.

Jin also showcased the numerous awards he received during his service, including the Army Warrior Award, division-level awards, and unit commander awards, totaling seven to eight honors. He also read out touching messages from his comrades. One wrote, "Sergeant Kim, the light and salt of the 11th Company. Thanks for everything." Another long-time companion wrote, "Sergeant Kim Seok-jin, you treated us so well that I've lost count of how many times. I'll never forget it. Please send my regards to your favorite girl group," which made Jin laugh heartily.

The most emotional message came from a junior soldier who said, "Thanks to Seokjin hyung, I have many great memories. Living with a global star I've admired since middle school has been amazing. Thank you so much."

Image :  Screenshot of BTS's Jin on Weverse Live immediately after military discharge
Image :  Screenshot of BTS's Jin on Weverse Live immediately after military discharge

Jin also addressed the BTS Festa controversy, saying, "I came up with a good idea but received a lot of criticism for it." He clarified, "Since I have to handle this year's Festa alone, I decided to do a free hug event." Although the company initially opposed it due to safety concerns, Jin persuaded them over several months, ultimately agreeing to proceed under strict safety conditions. The company initially suggested limiting the event to 50 people, but Jin wanted to include as many fans as possible, proposing 3,000. They eventually settled on 1,000.

Addressing the controversy over the selection process, which required fans to purchase BTS albums to enter, Jin apologized, "I wasn't aware of the details. I'm sorry I couldn't pay more attention." He added, "I insisted on doing this event, so please don't hold it against the other members if they choose not to participate."

Jin continued, "I haven't prepared much since I just got discharged today. It's been almost a year and a half since I last sang, so I've forgotten how to do it, but I'll do my best. Please understand if the event isn't perfect."

He concluded the live stream by saying, "I started this live because I wanted to see you and greet you personally. Now that I'm free, I'll visit often. Thank you so much for waiting, ARMY. I've asked the company to allow as many people as possible to film freely."

Fans were delighted to see Jin live after a long time and eagerly anticipate his future activities.

Photo: BTS Jin, discharged today (BigHit Music)
Photo: BTS Jin, discharged today (BigHit Music)
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