Image : BTS Members Reunite, All Seven Together (RM's Instagram)
Image : BTS Members Reunite, All Seven Together (RM's Instagram)

BTS's 11th anniversary event, the 2024 FESTA, has come to an end.

On June 13, at the Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Songpa-gu, Seoul, BTS held the '2024 FESTA' event titled "Seokjin on June 13, 2024, Clear Skies."

BTS’s Jin(진), who was discharged from the military the day before, attended the event.

The event began with Jin’s performance of his first solo single, "The Astronaut," released in 2022. ARMY present at the venue and those watching live on Weverse were moved to tears. Jin also showcased various challenges and performed his solo songs, "Super Tuna" and "Moon."

While the BTS members are currently serving in the military and couldn’t attend together, they conveyed their feelings through handwritten letters.

Below are the handwritten letters from the members.


♥ Jin's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Jin's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Jin's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)

Hello, this is Jin.

Have you all been well and healthy? (Used the highest level of honorifics as if writing to a superior)
It’s been a while since I last greeted you.
I wanted to greet you more often, but due to circumstances, I couldn’t, and I’m sorry for that.
As my discharge approaches, I feel my heart pounding, haha.
I heard that the members have been making you very happy in my absence. Good
Now, it’s my turn to make ARMY happy.
Although I’m alone and might be a bit lacking in strength, I will do my best.
I’ve been planning how to make you happy for the past year, and after my discharge, I’ll show you everything one by one.

Thank you for being with us for such a long time. I love you, ARMY ❤

P.S. Guys, hang in there~


♥ Suga's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Suga's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Suga's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)


Hello ARMY, it’s Suga!!

It's been a while, right? It feels very strange and awkward to write a letter after such a long time, haha.
I’m doing really well.
In the meantime, my movie was released, and I went to training camp, so I've been very busy.
I hope all of you have been doing well during this time too!
It's 6/13 once again.
Every year when 6/13 comes around, there are so many memories, and it’s hard to believe that I couldn't see you all this time.
But I feel relieved knowing that Jin had a great time with you all.
Enjoy our festival on 6/13 to the fullest!!
I’m counting down the days until I can see you all again soon!
Please stay safe and healthy until the day we meet again!
I miss you, ARMY!!

See you again soon, goodbye~!!


♥ J-Hope's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - J-Hope's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - J-Hope's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)


Hello ARMY, how have you been?

I’m serving as a sergeant and squad leader now, with just four months of military service left. I’m working hard on weight loss and exercising while also studying conversational English during my service.

I think I’ve become a bit calmer as a person during this time.
Am I finally becoming an adult??
Haha! But seeing my reaction, it seems I’m still the same.

Anyway, although it felt overwhelming, here we are in June, our special month, and Jin being with us has doubled the joy.
It feels like a time when we’re getting closer to each other.

Enough about me; now I want to hear about you.
How have you been?
Are you eating well?
Sleeping well?
What are your interests these days?
How’s your life without us?
What do you want to say when you see us again?
Honestly, did you cheat? Didn’t cheat?
Ran away with Seonjae? Didn’t run away?

Turning thirty, I find myself curious about many things.
I guess it means I really want to hear your voices directly, and that time is not far off.

I’m nervous...
Honestly, time feels like it’s dragging these days.
I hope my feelings as Sergeant Jung Hoseok in June are conveyed well through this letter.

I miss you.
I want to see you.

Stay healthy, enjoy June, and let’s look forward to October together!
See you then.

I love you. - Your Hope -

P.S. Looking forward to the next year as well
Love U "BTS" Love U "ARMY"


♥ RM's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - RM's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - RM's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)


Instead of saying much, I just want to say I miss you a lot.
I miss you very much.
I have about a year left now.
Have you been listening to the 'RPWP' I sent you last month?
I hope you’re doing well. Time feels so slow when I think about returning, but I’m enduring steadfastly.
With my soul mate, the tenor saxophone...
When I return, I'll perform "Dynamite" for you. ♫♬♪~~
In this scorching summer, please stay healthy, and in this new environment, I’m filled with many mixed emotions.
I wonder how Jin felt having to go first. You’ve worked so hard, congratulations!
Hyung, please continue to give lots of love. I feel like I'm putting a heavy burden on you, and I'm sorry. But Hoseok will be back soon too!
My love remains unchanged. When we all return, how much stronger and more beautiful it will be. There must be a reason for this time and trial.
Our time together is not over. We are just about to begin the second act.
I will endure as much as I miss you. 11 years. Just one more year to go.
ARMY-----I call out to you after a long time. My heart and history are full. I love you!

- Namjoon in May.


♥ JIMIN's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - JIMIN's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - JIMIN's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)



Hello ARMY, this is Jimin.
It's been such a long time since I last greeted you like this.
I’ll just write down whatever comes to mind!
I miss you all so much.
It’s really not easy, haha.
Every day, I imagine what it would be like to meet you all again.
What hair color should I have when we meet again?
By then, my body will be in better shape, right?
How long should my hair be when we meet?
What earrings should I wear?
What should I wear and what songs should I sing?
Thinking about all this makes my heart race, and I can’t sleep.
I wonder how overwhelming it will be.
How have you been, ARMY?
Are you eating well and at least exercising a bit?
Well, probably not, right? Haha (But you really should).
I hope nothing bad has happened. If anything did, I hope it wasn’t too tough.
You need to be happy... Our ARMY, I want to make you even happier soon, and it makes me a bit sad.
But don’t worry about me too much. I’m doing well here, and Jin will be discharged soon!
Have fun with Jin first. Eventually, one by one, we will return to you.
Let’s meet soon, hug, and have fun.
I’ll write to you again next time.

I love you. ARMY, take care.



♥ V's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - V's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - V's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)


I miss you! Ha, are you all doing well and staying safe?
I’m eating well, sleeping well, and staying healthy while training.
I’m getting lots of good energy from my younger colleagues, peers, and seniors, and I’m experiencing new and diverse things. 
This might be a bit of bragging, but I’ve even come in first place in some things, haha.
I’m also good at shooting! I’ve received compliments, and I’ve learned a lot from my comrades about martial arts, like judo and jiu-jitsu. I feel like I’ve been reborn!
Just seeing our comrades' dedication inspires me. I’m so grateful to be training with them, and I’m doing my best to keep up! 
It’s really motivating. I do have a few minor injuries, but I’m being careful not to overdo it!
I’m just too excited, please understand, haha.
During my free time, I go to a corner and dance. My body just itches to move.
I try to dance a bit to not lose my identity and to make sure I don’t forget.
I even overcame my fear of heights. It wasn’t a big deal—just kidding, it was really scary, but I managed to overcome it in the end.
So, since I’ve told you I’m doing well, you must stay well too.
I hope you’re not sick or anxious. Let’s not worry about each other from afar.
We’ll meet soon. When I see our members and ARMY again, let’s pour out all the emotions we’ve been holding back and waiting for!

I miss you so much, love you a lot, ARMY, APOBANGPO.
I purple you. Goodbye, BYE~


♥ Jungkook's Letter

Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Jungkook's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)
Image : 2024 BTS FESTA - Jungkook's Handwritten Letter (Weverse Live Screenshot)


Hello, this is Jungkook.

It feels like it’s been ages since I last wrote a handwritten letter, so my handwriting might have gotten worse. Sorry about that, haha. Everyone!! I’m doing well.

Of course, there are tough times, but I’m holding on by thinking about the day we’ll meet again. Sometimes, there are even fun moments that make me forget the hard times, haha.
By the way, did you listen to the fan song "Never Let Go" released in June? When I was working on it, I definitely wanted it to be a song for you.

I hope my feelings came through. I originally planned to perform it for you, but there wasn’t enough time, so I couldn’t, which is really disappointing.
If I get the chance later, I definitely want to show it to you on stage, haha (nothing is planned yet).

But I really want to perform on stage... I want to hear ARMY’s cheers soon... and I want to sing more amazing songs too...
It’s been a cold and hot summer, but I’m already wishing for winter to come quickly... Time is passing so slowly, haha.

My desire to see you all is so overwhelming.
When I stand on stage again, you’ll be right there in front of me, right?

Fighting! Anyway, everyone!

Until the day we meet again, stay healthy and take good care of yourselves! That way, when we meet again, it’ll be even happier, right?!
I miss you so much. I love you so, so much!
But writing letters is really not my thing, haha. I’m signing off now!!

Goodbye!! - Jungkook-

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